Skyview Middle School
About Skyview Middle School
- All students will learn and must be given opportunities for success.
- All students are encouraged to take risks, grow as individuals, and become productive citizens.
- Every person will be treated with dignity and respect.
- Students, staff, and parents are accountable to uphold high expectations of academic excellence and social responsibility.
- Students, staff, and parents must be actively involved.
The staff provides a science, technology, engineering and math educational focus using a highly engaging curriculum, inquiry learning, and a 21st century building. At Skyview Middle School, students are encouraged and supported in multiple avenues of technology access. Opportunities are available for interactive learning providing students and teachers with Smart Board technology and interdisciplinary units in the classroom. Some also participate in the a one-to-one tablet program using iPads as interactive learning tools. A new math program is aligned with common core math standards creating a more rigorous program of study. Students also participate in Challenger Mission Science Expeditions and innovative field trips.
Teachers in varying content areas make real world connections, for example, correlating history lessons with discussions of current events and showcasing their findings by creating online digital posters using Glogster. Students explore different cultures by creating Greek masks and writing their own myths. Hands on adventures in cartography, puppetry, designing graphic novels and creating art using math skills incorporates interdisciplinary learning skills.
Staff members lead by example, many actively pursuing and achieving higher levels of certification to offer different programs for students. The school's has several teachers who are career and technical education certified and others working on science, technology, engineering, and math certification. Additionally, several teachers are National Board Certified, a career distinction. Educators share their professional skills with the next generation of teachers through the UCCS Teach program.
Skyview Middle School has many activities for students including robotics, engineering, theater, music and athletic programs.
Community members are welcome to share their expertise with students and become active partners in the learning environment. The Colorado Springs fire and police departments, Pikes Peak Library District, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and Schriever Air Force Base have all shared their time and talents. Community member support is actively sought through the School Accountability Committee and Parent-Teacher-Student Association. Students also support their community through service projects and fundraising drives.
Skyview Middle School
SMS School Hours
Skyview Middle School Facts & History
Inaugural Year (2000-2001)
- Opened with 450 students
- Capacity 600
- Only field was football field
- No houses around for miles
- 41 staff members including all administrators, counselors, custodians, kitchen staff and paraprofessionals
- 1 bus for students
October 2006 New Addition
- Added 42,000 square feet to core building
- Capacity 900
- Weight room
- Auxiliary gym
- New band and choir rooms
- 15 new classrooms
- Conference rooms
Current Statistics and Programs
- Enrollment: 1,050 students
- Capacity: 900 students
- SSN and SIED programs
- Only middle school consumer family studies program in the district
- Broadcasting and media production program
- Gateway to technology program
- Eight-room pod outside
- Rated "high" on report card
- Positive behavior support program
Square Footage
- Year 2000: 88,000 sq ft.
- Year 2006-Today: 130,000
- Modular buildings: 14,040 each; total: 70,200 square feet
- Total school square footage for all: 200,200 square feet
We want to thank The Cutting Edge Realtors and Waypoint Church for all of the support they have provided Skyview Middle School!